The list view allows you to see all the events available through the English Hub, by the type of event. You can change this view to reorganise by the day they occur, or view by category if you prefer.

Train the Trainer Session 6 2024/25

11 Jun,2025 15:30:00 - 17:00:00

This is the area to book for the Train the Trainer session on delivering sessions 6 of the English Hub Early Language Training Course. Please only book for this session if you are member of the team who will be delivering the training on behalf of a hub.

The programme has been developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK (formally ICAN), the children’s communication charity. 

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs.

The timing of the session is 3.30pm - 5pm, but this is subject to possible change.

Free Event |

Train the Trainer Session 5 2024/25

23 Apr,2025 15:30:00 - 17:00:00

This is the area to book for the Train the Trainer session on delivering sessions 5 of the English Hub Early Language Training Course. Please only book for this session if you are member of the team who will be delivering the training on behalf of a hub.

The programme has been developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK (formally ICAN), the children’s communication charity. 

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs.

The timing of the session is 3.30pm - 5pm, but this is subject to possible change.

Free Event |

Train the Trainer Session 4 2024/25

26 Feb,2025 15:30:00 - 17:00:00

This is the area to book for the Train the Trainer session on delivering sessions 4 of the English Hub Early Language Training Course. Please only book for this session if you are member of the team who will be delivering the training on behalf of a hub.

The programme has been developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK (formally ICAN), the children’s communication charity. 

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs.

The timing of the session is 3.30pm - 5pm, but this is subject to possible change.

Free Event |

Train the Trainer Session 3 2024/25

15 Jan,2025 15:30:00 - 17:00:00

This is the area to book for the Train the Trainer session on delivering sessions 3 of the English Hub Early Language Training Course. Please only book for this session if you are member of the team who will be delivering the training on behalf of a hub.

The programme has been developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK (formally ICAN), the children’s communication charity. 

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs.

The timing of the session is 3.30pm - 5pm, but this is subject to possible change.

Free Event |

Train the Trainer Session 2 2024/25

13 Nov,2024 15:30:00 - 17:00:00

This is the area to book for the Train the Trainer session on delivering sessions 2 of the English Hub Early Language Training Course. Please only book for this session if you are member of the team who will be delivering the training on behalf of a hub.

The programme has been developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK (formally ICAN), the children’s communication charity. 

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs.

The timing of the session is 3.30pm - 5pm, but this is subject to possible change.

Free Event |

Train the Trainer Session 1 2024/25

18 Sep,2024 15:30:00 - 17:00:00

This is the area to book for the Train the Trainer session on delivering sessions 1 of the English Hub Early Language Training Course. Please only book for this session if you are member of the team who will be delivering the training on behalf of a hub.

The programme has been developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK (formally ICAN), the children’s communication charity. 

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs.

The timing of the session is 3.30pm - 5pm, but this is subject to possible change.

Free Event |

Train the Trainer All Sessions

18 Sep,2024 15:30:00 - 11 Jun,2025 17:00:00

This is the area to book for the Train the Trainer session on delivering all 6 sessions of the English Hub Early Language Training Course. Please only book for this session if you are member of the team who will be delivering the training on behalf of a hub.

The programme has been developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK (formally ICAN), the children’s communication charity. 

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs.

The timing of the session is 3.30pm - 5pm, but this is subject to possible change.






15:30 - 17:00

Session 1



15:30 - 17:00

Session 2



15:30 - 17:00

Session 3



15:30 - 17:00

Session 4 



15:30 - 17:00

Session 5



15:30 - 17:00

Session 6




Free Event |

Early Language Programme 2024/25 Interest

05 Sep,2024 08:00:00 - 23 Jul,2025 15:00:00
Broadclyst Primary School, Broadclyst Primary School, School Lane, Broadclyst, Exeter , EX5 3JG (Un)
01392 796405

Register your interest to be notified on the 2024/25 Cornerstone Academy English Hubs Supporting Early Language Development programme. 

Supporting Early Language Development is a CPD programme developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK.

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs. The term ‘early language’ can be used to cover a number of different ages and stages from birth onwards.

The programme will be exclusively available via English Hubs.The five sessions are free of charge, but to be eligible, schools need to have a YR/KS1 provision and must commit to attending all of the sessions.

Free Event

Reading for Pleasure Course 2024/25 Interest

05 Sep,2024 08:00:00 - 23 Jul,2025 16:00:00
Monkerton Primary School, Sestertius Road, Monkerton, Devon , EX1 3WS

Register your interest to be notified on the 2024/25 Cornerstone Academy English Hubs Transforming School Reading Cultures programme. 

The Transforming School Reading Cultures programme consists of 5 research-based professional development sessions aimed at primary English/Reading Leads. The sessions will take you through pedagogical theory and best practise surrounding reading for pleasure. They will provide opportunities to gain knowledge of the subject alongside the confidence to manage, drive and sustain meaningful change in your own school.

Free Event

Early Language Programme 2024/25

02 Oct,2024 15:00:00 - 02 Jul,2025 17:00:00

Early Language Programme

Supporting Early Language Development is a CPD programme developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK.

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs.  The programme will be exclusively available via English Hubs.






15:00 - 17:00

Session 1: What is language and how it is developed

Aims of the session:

  • Introducing a model to understand what we mean by language (form, content, use)
  • Discussing why it is so important for language to be a key focus in early years classrooms
  • Exploring the role of attachment in language development, what this is and what it looks like.
  • Discussing a "building blocks" model of language development, what this is and what it looks like
  • Learning about typical language development in 1-5 year olds
  • How we can use book sharing as a method to build attachment and early language skills


15:00 - 17:00

Session 2: Supporting talk in schools

Aims of the session:

  • A simple model to guide general principles for supporting continued language development through interaction
  • The impact of people - Interactions and how to manage talk environment
  • What does good quality talk look like and when to step in - strategies
  • Creating opportunities for talk


15:00 - 17:00

Session 3: Teaching words and making them stick

Aims of the session:

  • Explore the theory behind how children learn words and how they are stored
  • Understand the 'words gap'
  • Develop and understanding of strategies to develop vocabulary
  • Explore Tiered words and levels of language


15:00 - 17:00

Session 4: Identifying and supporting SLCN

Aims of the session:

  • How many children may have difficulties with talking and understanding words
  • The impact of SLCN on learning, emotional and social development and behaviour 
  • Why identification is important and tools to use
  • How to apply strategies into practice to support children with SLCN
  • The importance of working with parents
  • The relationship between SLCN and EAL and SLCN and SEMH


15:00 - 17:00

Session 5: Making change: sustaining change 

Aims of the session:

  • Develop understanding of change theory and reflect on school context, considering implications for creating the school Action Plan
  • Link knowledge from prior sessions (including any information gathered from gap tasks to robust action planning)
  • Understand the ways in which change can be sustained through specific action planning
  • Create a targeted and sustainable Early Language Action Plan
02/07/2025 15:00 - 17:00

Session 6: Sharing the school improvement journey

Free Event |