Intensive Support
As part of the our hub mandate, we are able to provide a free package of more intensive support offered by our Literacy Specialist Team. A Literacy Specialist will be able to provide your school with 6 days of bespoke support which can include:
Support with writing an action plan.
Advice on choosing and using phonics resources effectively.
Leading INSETs.
Modelling teaching and team teaching.
Priority will be given to schools who can demonstrate a need for support and capacity to effect change.
Intensive support schools are also eligible for up to £6000 in resource funding to facilitate their consistent use of a systematic, synthetic phonics (SSP) programme. In addition, we are able to provide financial support to release key personnel on literacy specialist visit days.
Is your school eligible?
Your school may be eligible to become an intensive support partner school if it meets two or more of the criteria outlined below:
Primary schools with lower than average PSC scores for disadvantaged pupils. Schools with the lowest phonics scores for disadvantaged pupils.
Primary schools where the bottom 20% of children are not on course to reach the expected standard (indicated through regular phonics assessment in school).
Primary schools with a lower than average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the Phonics Screening Check (79% met the expected standard in 2023).
Primary schools with a higher than average proportion of children eligible for pupil premium (2023/24 the pupil premium national average is 28.5%).
Primary schools that sit in an education investment area (PEIAs/EIAs).
Previous partner schools who last received intensive support two or more years ago, have experienced significant systemic change since leaving the programme and who have failed to realise and/or maintain improvement in SSP scores.
Primary schools with a high proportion of groups considered hard to reach such as EAL, FSM, travellers.
Schools referred by local partners (e.g. NLEs, RSCs, LAs).
Primary schools where standards in phonics are identified as areas for development through Ofsted inspection findings.
Primary schools where there is a risk of declining standards in phonics.
"We're eligible! What do we do?"
If your school does meet the criteria for intensive support, we are keen to discuss this with you. The process that we will follow is:
- Invite your headteacher and reading/phonics lead to a showcase event to learn more about the offer of intensive support. We also ask that you download, complete and return a self-referral form.
- Conduct a phonics audit, which will provide the basis of your application to become an intensive support school.
- Submit the audit, as well as a summary action plan to the DfE Hubs Council for approval.
If you have any questions about this process, or would like to discuss whether you are eligible for intensive support, please feel free to contact our hub leads.