Early Language Programme 2024/25 Interest

Register your interest to be notified on the 2024/25 Cornerstone Academy English Hubs Supporting Early Language Development programme. 

Supporting Early Language Development is a CPD programme developed by a group of English Hubs with support from Speech and Language UK.

The programme has been developed as part of a project to create a more consistent medium level support (MLS) offer across the English Hub network which will streamline workload for hubs and create more equal access to CPD on early language nationally for schools accessing support from hubs. The term ‘early language’ can be used to cover a number of different ages and stages from birth onwards.

The programme will be exclusively available via English Hubs.The five sessions are free of charge, but to be eligible, schools need to have a YR/KS1 provision and must commit to attending all of the sessions.

05 Sep,2024 -  23 Jul,2025
08:00:00 -  15:00:00
The registration period is from 15 Mar,2023 08:00:00 to 05 Sep,2024 14:00:00


Location Details