Funded Places
We are very keen to support colleagues in attending one of the events and we can fund supply cover to facilitate the attendance of the headteacher and phonics lead. Your school is eligible for supply costs if it meets two or more of the criteria outlined below:
The school has lower than average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the Phonics Screening Check (2019 PSC expected standard is 82%)
The school has a higher than average proportion of pupils reading below age-related expectations.
The school has a higher than average proportion of children eligible for pupil premium (2018/19 the pupil premium national average is 22.9%)
The school Ofsted judgement is either Requires Improvement or Inadequate
The school has a high proportion of groups considered hard to reach, such as EAL, FSM, travellers, etc
The school has been referred by a local partner (e.g. NLEs, RSCs, LAs, Opportunity Area teams).
If your school does not meet the criteria for additional support, we are still keen to welcome you (at no cost) and are confident that the day will be of interest and help.